Enhanced Real-time PCR (eQ-PCR) - Highly Sensitive Real-time PCR


Detection E.Coli O-157  (2000 copies) 

TrimGen’s eQ-PCR technology is a sensitive detection method for identifying low copy  target DNA. The method improves traditional real-time PCR technology with specially designed chemistry that enhances the fluorescent signals. This proprietary technology provides a platform for fast, accurate and highly sensitive assays.

Rapid Detection: eQ-PCR can expedite test results by generating stronger signals than traditional real-time PCR. Test results can be obtained 10 cycles earlier than traditional real-time PCR.

eQ-PCR assays for pathogen detection

Detection of E.Coli O-157  (10 copies)

High Sensitivity: The enhanced fluorescent signals in eQ-PCRTM increases sensitivity over traditional real-time PCReQPCRTM can detect as few as two copies of target per reaction.

The eQ-PCRTM assays are closed-tube, walk-away assay that eliminates contamination.

eQ-PCR assays for Mutation detection

  • MYD88 Detection Kit
  • BRAF Detection Kit

eQ-PCR assays for Genotyping (Lightcycler)

  • eQ-PCR LC Warfarin genotyping Kit (FDA 510k)
  • eQ-PCR LC CYP2C9 *2 / *3 Genotyping Kit